Top Tips to Successfully Race in a Costume
Published on:January 01, 0001

1. Test Run
To avoid awkward slip-ups and unpleasant issues, try running in your costume before the race. This will allow you to give the costume a practice run to make sure everything feels right.
Expect challenges like chaffing, extra sweating, and having a hard time breathing. Make adjustments prior to the race so you will be ready to go without a worry!
2. Own It
Be ready for all types of comments. From positive comments to negative ones, you will surely be the talk of the race! No matter what anyone says, own your look, work the crowd and have fun. Get ready to take pictures with costume fans and prepare for any negative feedback you may hear from other racers.
3. Have Fun
At the end of the day, the only thing that matters about your race is that you had fun! Prepare for a slower pace as you will most likely run a bit slower in a costume(unless you're superman/woman of course). Make sure to have fun with all of the participants and the race watchers too!
What Costume Races Have You Participated In?
If you have participated in a costume race and would like to share, please post a picture in the comments below or on our Facebook Page!