Top 3 Summer Games to Get Your Family Running
Published on:January 01, 0001
Get your kids outside and running around this summer with these fun games. Each game will surely tire out your little ones and will make the whole family laugh!

Shoebox Relays
About Health gave us this great relay game for the family! This game is perfect for two or more teams. Each team must have two shoeboxes. Cut out the top so feet can slide into them. Create a course with minor obstacles such as trees, bushes, buckets -- anything you can find around the house! Set up the course and have a player from each team slip their feet into the shoeboxes. Have them race through the obstacle course in the shoeboxes, handing them off to the next player when they complete the obstacle!
To find other great relay games to play with the family, check out About Health's Relay Races for Kids!
Freeze Tag
This is a great game of chasing and being chased! Set up boundaries in a fair amount of space outside (if you are not in a fenced in area). Have one person be it and have everyone else scatter around the yard. The it player will try to tag players. Anyone who is tagged must freeze and can only be unfrozen by a particular rule. For example, you can only be unfrozen if another player crawls underneath your legs.
Salt & Light Company from Boston College gave us this great game! One player begins as the Blob and tries to tag another player. Once another player is tagged, they lock arms with the Blob and they both are now part of the Blob! With locked arms, both players now try to catch more players. The last one standing wins, however, will be forced to join the Blob when they finally are caught!